Found 231 results for faq
License Renewal FAQs, Box Search Open search FAQ: License, ELC 15.5, LLLTs APR 28, LPOs APR 12). Visit the Trust Account FAQs page for more, reserved. annual license renewal faqs frequently asked questions Annual License Renewal FAQs...
IOLTA FAQs - Lawyer Trust Accounting, Account FAQ Page Contents: Unidentified owners and unclaimed property.... 1-3 Recordkeeping, Division, even if the owner of the funds cannot be determined. At the time these FAQs were written...
Paths Mentorship FAQ, Box Search Open search FAQ: Paths, , 2023 Paths Mentorship Program FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Q. What are the goals...
WSBA PREP FAQ, Box Search Open search PREP FAQ...
Consumer Money and Debt FAQs, 1325 4th Avenue | Suite 600 | Seattle, WA 98101-2539 206.727.8289 | | Consumer, Money, and Debt FAQ Why is the Limited License Legal Technician (LLLT) Board pursuing Consumer Law as a potential practice area for LLLTs? The Court has determined that unmet legal need is one of the primary thresholds for developing new practice areas for the LLLT license. The new practice area workgroup reviewed statistics from county-based volunteer legal-services providers...
FAQ: Alternatives for Lawyer Licensure, FAQ – Alternatives to the Bar Exam 3/20/24 Page 1 of 2 ALTERNATIVES TO THE BAR EXAM FAQ I read about the recent decision by the Washington Supreme Court with regards to alterna�ve methods for lawyer licensure. Is that true? Ye s, the Washington Supreme Court adopted, in concept, alterna, can email UBE and NextGen Bar Exam FAQ Is Washington going, , 2024, adopting the NextGen Bar Exam starting in July 2026. FAQ – Alternatives to the Bar Exam...
Agent of Service FAQ, Regulatory Services Department 1325 4th Avenue | Suite 600 | Seattle, WA 98101-2539 800-945-9722 | 206-443-9722 | | FAQ: WSBA Resident Agent of Service – APR 13(f) Q: Who needs to provide an agent of service to the WSBA? A: Any active, inactive, or pro bono lawyer, LLLT, or LPO whose primary mailing address on record with the WSBA is not a physical, . Change Address Type to Agent of Service 5. Add the address 6. Click Save Resident Agent FAQ...
FAQ The Ethics of Working Remotely, FAQ: What are the Ethics of Working Remotely? Many atorneys are working remotely these days. See Advisory Opinion 201601 Ethical Practces of the Virtual or Hybrid Ofce. Here’s a rundown of the basics: 1. There is no requirement that WSBA members have a physical ofce address. This can create frustraton for counsel trying to serve documents by physical delivery. AO 201601 gives specifcs for WSBA address requirements and discusses service issues. A lawyer working remotely may use a post...
Council on Public Defense FAQ, §10.101.030? FAQ on Standards-2 A. The proposed rules do not cover as many different standards areas, defense services more efficient and affordable. The City of Spokane, for example, has FAQ on Standards-3, for release and enter a not guilty plea, does each of those arraignments count as one case? FAQ, that an adequate number of attorneys are available to meet this need. This may require the FAQ on Standards-5...
Inactive Disability Status FAQ, Inactive Disability FAQ 4.17.2012 STIPULATED INACTIVE-DISABILITY MEMBERSHIP FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is inactive-disability membership? When a lawyer does not have the mental or physical capacity to practice law, he or she may be transferred to Inactive-Disability Membership. Inactive-Disability membership is defined in the WSBA Bylaws in Article III Sec. A.2. An Inactive-Disability member may not practice law, is not required to pay any license fees, and is not required...
Ethics FAQ: Leaving a Firm, FAQ: What are my ethical duties when I leave a firm? • When a lawyer leaves a firm, both the departing lawyer and the remaining members of the firm share the ethical duty of completing the transition without material adverse effect on clients. Advisory Opinion 201801 (2018) and ABA Formal Opinion 99-414 Ethical Obligations When a Lawyer Changes Firms offer a helpful analysis of the obligations involved in this situation. • In general, you should notify your firm of your intended...
Consumer Money and Debt FAQ, Consumer, Money, and Debt FAQ Why is the Limited License Legal Technician (LLLT) Board pursuing Consumer Law as a potential practice area for LLLTs? The Court has determined that unmet legal need is one of the primary thresholds for developing new practice areas for the LLLT license. The new practice area workgroup reviewed statistics from county-based volunteer legal-services providers and the statewide Moderate Means Program as well as studies such as the Civil Legal Needs Study...
Legal Help FAQ in Chinese, 華盛頓州法律援助的常見問題 (FAQ) 由律師執業委員會與華盛頓州律師援助合作提供 。 常見問題 法律援助 070822 – (TW) v1 ii 律師執業委員會(委員會)與 華, 用者之間建立律 師-客戶關係。 法律援助常見問題 這些常見問題 (FAQ) 可協助您尋找法律問題方面的援助 , 對很多人尋找援助時 會遇到的問題提供解答 , 其中包括法律專業人員或另外, 助 ?請 參 閱 常 見 問 題 4 , 了 解「舉報不良援助」。 1 這 些 是 關 於 誰 可 以 協 助 您 處 理 法 律 問 題 的 常 見 問 題 ( FAQ, 1 這些是關於誰 可以協助您處 理法律問題 的常見問題 (FAQ)。 ? 不 確 定 您 遇 到 的 法 律 問 題 是 什 麼 類 型 ?請 參 閱 常 見 問 題 2 , 了 解, 常 見 問 題 ( FAQ)。 ? 不 確 定 誰 可 以 為 您 提 供 法 律 援 助 ?請 參 閱 常 見 問 題 1 , 了 解「誰可以提供援助?」。 認 為 有 不 得 提 供...
LPO and LLLT Remote Exam FAQ, FAQ – Remote Exam July 2021 Page 1 of 10 FAQ FOR JULY 2021 REMOTE LPO & LLLT EXAMINATIONS, Performance Test 8:30 – 10:00 am 10:30 – 11:30 am 11:30 am – 12:30 pm 12:30 pm – 2:10 pm FAQ – Remote Exam, From ExamSoft site July 22, 2021 Download Exam Files Closes From ExamSoft site FAQ – Remote Exam, , please review registration information at FAQ – Remote Exam, with this update. • After your update is complete, you can download Examplify and register. FAQ – Remote...
PRA Resources and FAQs, PRA resources and FAQs: MRSC’s most frequently requested PRA questions and answers More information and registration...
Summer 2021 Remote Bar Exam FAQ Session, The Washington Supreme Court has authorized remote administration of the summer 2021 licensing exams, scheduled for the last week in July. If you would like to learn more about the remote format or other administrative logistics, please join noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 2 for an online remote bar exam FAQ session. This session is modelled after the event preceding the first remote licensing exams in February. Our intent is to listen as much as we share to help us understand and overcome...
Paths Mentorship Program FAQs, Paths Mentorship Programs FAQs...