Updated: Sept. 10, 2024

Mini-CLE Program

Many of the WSBA's sections offer free or low-cost CLE credits as a benefit to members via Mini-CLEs. Mini-CLEs are live seminars that offer no more than two CLE credits (120 minutes of seminar time), with tuition limited to $35 per registrant (usually free to section members). WSBA CLE does not charge an administrative fee* for the services it provides to sections to support a Mini-CLE, and any revenue a Mini-CLE generates goes directly to the section. Sections may host Mini-CLEs via webinar, in-person event, or hybrid event (both webinar and in-person components). Mini-CLEs are not available as on-demand products in the WSBA CLE store**.

The section is responsible for designing the program, recruiting the speaker(s), reserving the event space and/or webinar platform, collecting and distributing course materials, assuming all event-related expenses, and administering all aspects of the Mini-CLE the day of the event. The WSBA administers registration, MCLE accreditation, marketing, and attendance, in addition to communicating all policies, procedures, and deadlines.

For a modest fee, WSBA sections may utilize the WSBA On24 Webinar platform for Mini-CLEs. PowerPoint presentations and other course materials can be uploaded directly to On24 (no screensharing required), plus attendance is automatically captured when attendees login. For more information on On24, review our Quick Reference Guide and Mini-CLE Webinar Producer Checklist, which contains all policies and procedures.

* Please review the Quick Reference Guide for an overview of costs associated with Mini-CLEs.

**For webinars conducted via On24, an archive link to a recording will be available to view up to one year after the seminar. Archive link recordings are not eligible for MCLE credit. The Section must obtain written consent from the presenter(s) post the archive link on the Section webpage.

A designated Section contact must follow the steps below to setup a Mini-CLE:

  1. Up to six months prior to the event, email minicle@wsba.org to review your desired date(s) for potential conflicts. If a date is available, WSBA CLE will place a hold on the WSBA CLE calendar to reserve the date and time.
  2. Review our Mini-CLE Quick Reference Guide.
  3. Submit a completed Mini-CLE Webinar Producer Checklist no later than six weeks prior to the event. For in-person events, we recommend submitting much earlier so WSBA has time to review and approve any contracts needed for the event space and/or food. WSBA approval is required for all contracts and/or agreements. Contact your section’s staff liaison to review expenses and the process for any required approvals. Please note that WSBA CLE cannot set up registration and market the event until the Mini-CLE Webinar Producer Checklist is complete and all contracts and documents are finalized.
  4. If you are utilizing the WSBA On24 Webinar platform and you are new to producing Mini-CLEs via On24, book a Mini-CLE On24 Producer training at least one month prior to the event.

Once the Mini-CLE is confirmed and registration is open, the section must follow all policies and procedures listed in the Mini-CLE Webinar Producer Checklist. WSBA staff will check-in with the section contact via email at regular intervals leading up to the event with reminders about policies and procedures.

Questions? Email minicle@wsba.org.