The latest issue of Bar News asks why prosecutor offices are struggling with staffing shortages and difficulty attracting applicants. We also look into implicit bias and discrimination facing Asian American female litigators and the broader systemic issues, including underrepresentation, and implicit bias.
Washington Gov. Bob Ferguson seeks candidates for judicial appointments. Positions are open in King County Superior Court and Court of Appeals, District 1.
The WSBA is seeking applicants from Congressional Districts 1, 2, 9, and 10 to serve on the Board of Governors. The filing deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 18 by 5 p.m. PST.
Got something to bark about? Blog it on NWSidebar.
The Washington State Bar Association's Advisory Opinion 202402 addresses lawyers' duties regarding client confidentiality, particularly in light of AI and data...
Last month, a rise in divorce inquiries was noted at a family law firm, possibly linked to political rhetoric surrounding no-fault divorce. California pioneere...
The 21st century is almost one-quarter complete. When the calendar switches over and 2024 moves aside for 2025, it's hard not to think about where we were 25 y...
The Washington Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a legal malpractice claim due to its being time-barred in Wood v. Dunn & Black. The court underscored...
The WSBA Board of Governors will assess a proposal from the WSBA Business Law Section to amend the Washington Business Corporation Act. This proposal aims to u...
Join us for valuable seminar — free to WSBA members — about the changes and new requirements in the Uniform Family Law Arbitration Act (UFLAA) over lunch on Jan. 28.
This event on April 4 is hosted by Gonzaga University School of Law, in partnership with the WSBA Small Town & Rural Practice Committee, Seattle University School of Law, and the University of Washington School of Law.
Join us March 26 to get the latest on employment law. The WSBA Practice Primer is a CLE series of three learning tracks that build upon one another to provide a solid educational foundation for practice in a substantive area of law.
The WSBA's MentorLink Mixers are unique, free-to-attend, one-time events that bring together people with similar interests in the legal profession. This mixer on Feb. 25 will focus on the topic of "You Passed the Bar! Now What?"
Help the Bar Foundation fill the gaps in the legal system. Make a donation today.
Facing a legal issue and don't know where to turn? Start here. Your options might surprise you.
Information about how and when to file a complaint against a legal professional in Washington state.
Information about common ethical issues, such as conflict of interest, client confidentiality, withdrawal, client communications, fee arrangements, trust accounts, and advertising.
The Washington State Bar Association Members Wellness Program promotes the health and well-being of WSBA members.
Information and resources for closing or selling your practice, changing practice area, retiring, and getting advice.
Borrow books from our Lending Library to expand your expertise on practice management.
WSBA's guides include Document Retention, Disaster Planning, Cybersecurity, and Hanging Your Shingle.
Learn about volunteer opportunities for legal professionals in your community and across the state.
Toll-free: 800-945-9722 Local: 206-443-9722
Ethics Line: 206-727-8284
Washington State Bar Association
1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98101-2539
© 2024 Washington State Bar Association, all rights reserved.