Updated: Oct. 14, 2024

Criminal Law Section

The Criminal Law Section seeks the participation of the Bar, including prosecutors and defense counsel, by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas in the areas of criminal law, correction, procedure, and evidence. The section works with pending legislation and development of statutory enactments to improve and facilitate the administration of justice within the criminal arena.

With an equal number of defense and prosecuting attorney positions, the executive board champions the rights of both the accused and victims in the criminal justice system. Activities include publishing a newsletter, as well as assisting with the Criminal Law Institute.

Annual Report  |  Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections

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Page Navigation

The Criminal Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, upcoming events, newsletters, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Criminal Caselaw Notebook

Section List Serve


Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Upcoming Programs

Check back here for the latest in programs and offerings from the Criminal Law Section.

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The Latest Criminal Caselaw Notebook for Free

As a benefit to Criminal Law Section members, download the 2024 Criminal Caselaw Notebook, prepared by the Hon. Ron Kessler. If you are having trouble accessing the documents, contact sections@wsba.org.

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Archived issues are available to section members upon request. To request an issue, please email sections@wsba.org.

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Executive Committee

Chair: Tracey Munger (acting) (2024-2025)

Chair-Elect: Vacant (2024-2025)

Immediate Past Chair: Tracey Munger (2024-2025)

Secretary/Treasurer: Nicholas Holce (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer Liaison*: Vacant

Board of Governors Liaisons*: Allison Widney (2024-2025)


*Nonvoting member

At-Large Members Representing Defense:

Mary Kay High (2022-2025)
Vacant (2022-2025)
Vacant (2023-2026)
Vacant (2023-2026)
Kari Reardon (2024-2027)
Stan Glisson (2024-2027)

At-Large Members Representing Prosecution:

Anita Petra (2022-2025)
Hugh Birgenheier (2022-2025)
C. Dale Slack (2023-2026)
Daniel LeBeau (2023-2026)
Sanaa Nagi (2024-2027)
Vacant (2024-2027)

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Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee of the Criminal Law Section conducts meetings from time to time. As meetings are scheduled, details will appear in the events section of this page.

Please contact committee members for any other details on their upcoming meetings and locations.

Join Our List Serve

To join the section list serve and for general questions, please send your email address and Bar number to sections@wsba.org. For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact the section chair, Tracey Munger.

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