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Sections members become part of active professional communities and gain access to an array of exclusive section member benefits. Over 10,000 WSBA members currently belong to one or more of the WSBA’s 29 sections. The section membership year begins Jan. 1.

Member Benefits

In the past year, WSBA Sections have sponsored approximately 70 CLE seminars and hosted multiple professional networking events around the state. Various sections offer a plethora of member benefits, including, but not limited to:

  • List serve communities
  • Newsletters, reports, deskbooks, and sourcebooks
  • Free and discounted CLEs
  • Opportunities to engage in the Washington state legislative process

...and more! Join a Section Today!

Interested in Section Leadership?

Each section is led by a group of volunteers who are elected to serve on the executive committee. Many find leading a section to be a rewarding experience because of the leadership growth, professional development, firsthand experience with the legislative process, and collegiality it offers. Executive committee discussions are productive and challenging, offering a unique opportunity to work with other legal professionals in a goal-oriented setting that benefits WSBA members and the greater legal community.

Executive committee terms begin Oct. 1, 2023, and sections accept applications for the following year in early spring. Consider applying to become a section leader!

For general sections questions, send an email with your Bar number to or call 800-945-9722.

WSBA Sections


Updated: Aug. 19, 2024

Labor and Employment Law Section

The Labor and Employment Law Section of the Washington State Bar Association is one of the larger and fastest growing sections of the WSBA, mirroring the growth of the practice area. The Section includes members who practice many different aspects of labor and employment law, including lawyers representing private and public sector employers, unions, management, and individual employees, as well as law professors, arbitrators, and other neutrals.

The Section provides benefits to members by coordinating events that keep practitioners informed on the latest developments in employment law, which promotes competency and ethical practice in the Bar. The Section hosts an annual CLE and business meeting, and also funds a labor and employment law summer work internship for a student at each of the three law schools. Members of the Section also meet with law students throughout the year.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections

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Page Navigation

The Labor & Employment Law Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Past Events and On-Demand Programs

Executive Committee

Executive Committee Meetings

Upcoming Programs

Check back here for the latest in programs and offerings from the Labor and Employment Law Section.

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Past Events and On-Demand Programs

Webinar: Equal Pay and Opportunities Act

Representatives from Washington State Department of Labor and Industries discuss the Equal Pay and Opportunities Act, RCW 49.52. Topics include discussions of the requirements of the Act, pay transparency, and gender equal pay.

Jackie Ferrer, Thomas, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Tumwater
Devon Wesch, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Tumwater
Luz Gonzalez-Virgen, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Tumwater

Webinar: Recent Appellate Developments in Washington State Employment Law

This one-hour seminar focuses on recent appellate developments in Washington State employment law.

Kelby Fletcher, Stokes Lawrence, P.S., Seattle

This video is not accredited for CLE credit and is available for viewing for up to one year after the live event date (April 13, 2023).

Watch the video

Webinar: 'What Everyone Should Know About Accommodating Religious Preferences'

This seminar covers accommodating the religious preferences of employees with:

  • the factors and elements of accommodation
  • timely and practical examples of accommodation
  • sample compliant language
  • predicting future problems

Seth Rosenberg, Seattle Litigation Group, PLLC, Seattle
Aaron Rocke, Rocke Law, PLLC, Seattle

This video is not accredited for CLE credit and is available for viewing for up to one year after the live event date (Aug. 23, 2022).

Watch the video

Additional on-demand products are available and can be found in the CLE store.

20th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference

Nov. 12, 2020, Seattle

This CLE features lively and informative panels, including the annual Employment Law Year in Review and an ethics presentation geared toward labor and employment practitioners in the Zoom era. This CLE also includes a panel on race, politics, and free speech in the workplace, a panel on updates on accommodations and workplace safety issues, a panel that weaves together the various employee benefits that may be accessed or impacted during COVID-19, and a panel on strikes, pickets, walk-outs, work refusals, and lock-outs. Available on demand as a whole or by individual sessions.

19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference

Nov. 14, 2019, Seattle

This CLE featured lively and informative panels, including an ethics presentation geared toward labor and employment practitioners. Also featured is a panel on weaving together the changing legal landscape on family and medical leaves. Don’t miss the update on strategies for handling changes to Washington’s non-compete laws. We round out the program with a nuts and bolts on formulating settlement agreements and dealing with union counsel. Available on demand as a whole or by individual sessions.

18th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference

Nov. 30, 2018, Seattle

This program provided 7 CLE credits, including one hour of ethics. Get updates on the issues of most concern to labor and employment law practitioners presented by panels of leading practitioners. Available on demand as a whole or by individual sessions.

Advising Unions and Employers on Washington's Sick Leave Law Mini-CLE 

Feb. 8, 2018, Seattle

This one-hour CLE discussed practical guidance on implementing sick leave policies, negotiating with unions on changes to policies and rules, common mistakes made by employers and unions on implementing changes, and the remedies and ramifications for non-compliance.

Annual Meeting and 17th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference

Dec. 1, 2017, Seattle

The section sponsored this CLE, tailored to the needs of Washington attorneys to learn about the most relevant and current issues in labor and employment law. Some materials presented at the seminar are linked below.

Observations and Recent Appellate Developments in Washington State Employment Law by Kelby Fletcher

Recent Developments in Federal Employment Law by Jillian Barron

Avoiding Litigating Duty of Fair Representation Claims: Plaintiff, Union, and Management Perspectives CLE

June 15, 2017, Seattle

The section sponsored this CLE that provided plaintiff, union, and management attorney perspectives on responding to the duty of fair representation claims. CLE attendees left with an understanding of fair representation and how to resolve, mitigate, and/or successfully prosecute such an action. Approved for one Law and Legal Procedure CLE credit for Washington attorneys. A reception followed the CLE.

Avoiding Litigating Duty of Fair Representation Claims: Plaintiff, Union, and Management Perspectives CLE

June 15, 2017, Seattle

This CLE provided plaintiff, union, and management attorney perspectives on responding to the duty of fair representation claims. CLE attendees left with an understanding of fair representation and how to resolve, mitigate, and/or successfully prosecute such an action. Approved for one Law and Legal Procedure CLE credit for Washington attorneys. A reception will followed the CLE.

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Executive Committee

Chair: Cassandra Webster Lenning (2023-2024)

Immediate Past ChairVacant (2023-2024)

Secretary: Sarah E. Spierling Mack (2023-2024) 

Treasurer: Matthew Kelly (2023-2024)

Young Lawyer LiaisonVacant

Board of Governors Liaison*: Vacant (2023-2024)


*Nonvoting member





At-Large Members:

Representing Defense, Private Practice:
Angela Hayes (2021-2024)
Matthew Kelly (2022-2025)
Jess Kang (2023-2026)
Kira Johal (2023-2026)

Representing Defense, Public Sector:
Sarah E. Spierling Mack (2023-2026)

Representing Labor & Employment:
Joanna Cleveland (2021-2024)

Representing Labor Unions:
Bradley Medlin (2021-2024)
Carson Flora (2023-2026)
Fallon Schumsky (2023-2026)

Representing Neutral:
David Gaba (2022-2025)

Representing Plaintiff:
Carson Phillips-Spotts (2021-2024)
Colin McHugh (2022-2025)
Cassandra Webster Lenning (2023-2026)


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The Executive Committee of the Labor and Employment Law Section conducts meetings monthly. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m., currently via video conference.

Monthly Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 846 1208 4823 Passcode: 953775

Please contact committee members for all other details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

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Join Our List Serve

To join the section list serve and for general questions, please send your email address and Bar number to For questions about the Section and to get involved, please contact Section Chair Cassandra Webster Lenning.

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