Updated: Oct. 1, 2024

International Practice Section

The International Practice Section has a broad focus that includes not only the study of current developments in the field of international law but also immigration law, international transactional work, aerospace, taxation, intellectual property, financing, services, trade regulation, exports and imports, transnational contracts, travel, and international dispute resolution. Members represent a wide variety of backgrounds and practices, including full-time and part-time practitioners, government, business, foreign lawyers, academia, internationally-focused law students, and those simply intellectually interested.

The Section provides benefits to members by engaging in CLE's and related educational activities. The Section develops contacts and communicates with WSBA members, foreign lawyers, scholars, law students, and the public through the section listserv, email and other means. The Section fosters mentorship through its mentorship program, which pairs members with law students and foreign lawyers. The Section also initiates, sponsors, and promotes within the WSBA, court rules and legislation regarding international practice issues as appropriate, and serves as a representative of the WSBA, subject to appropriate authorization, on international practice issues.

Annual Report  |   Budget  |   Bylaws  |  Year in Review  |  Elections  |   Section History

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The International Practice Section offers many resources and benefits for members. On this page you will find information about the section, their upcoming events and offerings, as well as information about the section's executive committee.

Upcoming Programs

Member Benefits

Executive Committee

Meetings, Social Media & List Serve

Upcoming Programs

Free CLE, Annual General Meeting, and Reception!

Register Now!

The Washington State Chapter of the Federal Bar Association (FBA) and the WSBA International Practice Section (IPS) invite you to join us for a free CLE program, International Law Essentials: CLE & Reception with Consular Officers (in-person), immediately followed by the WSBA International Practice Section's Annual General Meeting and a reception with consular officers from the Seattle area.

When: Sept. 30, 2024

Time: 3:30–6:30 p.m.

Where: Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, 920 Fifth Ave., 33rd Floor John Davis Conference Center, Seattle WA, 98104

CLE Program: 3:30–5 p.m.
IPS Annual General Meeting: 5–5:20 p.m.
Reception: 5–6:30 p.m.

Credits: 1.0 CLE credits (pending approval)

We encourage all members to attend, welcome the incoming executive committee, and engage with leadership on the future direction of the section.

Register Online Now!

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Member Benefits

Membership of the International Practice Section continues to grow. The cost of membership is small compared to the benefits of membership.

Benefits include, but are not limited to, informative e-newsletters, meetings with other individuals interested in this area, presentations by speakers with excellent, timely information, and receptions for lawyers and law students. The benefits of membership are outlined in more detail immediately below.


The International Practice Section has continued to grow in numbers and events and currently we have two annual events that are open to all section members.

  • Spring Event. We host an event in April or May with a CLE program, which consists of multiple speakers who have extensive international legal expertise. The reception follows, at which IPS members mingle, network, and reconnect.
  • Annual Meeting. The annual meeting is open to all section members and is traditionally held in late September. At this meeting, yearly business is conducted. The reception also serves as the kick-off for our Mentorship Program, which pairs J.D. and L.L.M. students, many of whom are foreign lawyers, with local attorneys.

Continuing Legal Education

Over the years, the section has put on many excellent CLEs. Currently, the section hosts monthly mid-day CLEs.  The speakers are excellent, the topics are lively, usually one CLE credit is approved and, best of all, it is free to section members.  Watch your email for notification for upcoming CLEs. Please see the right column for the upcoming CLE/event. 

Recording of past CLEs (available for viewing only and not accredited for CLE credit) and list of IPS CLEs (from 2019)

Mentorship Program

Our Mentor Program pairs local lawyers whose practices involve international law with foreign lawyers and law students who are studying for a J.D. or L.L.M., or are visiting scholars at the University of Washington, Seattle University, or Gonzaga University law schools. In addition to fostering business relationships and networking opportunities, the program affords local practitioners, foreign lawyers and law students the opportunity to learn about legal practice in each other’s home countries and practice areas.

Mentorship Program Guidelines


Since 2007, the International Practice Section has been honored to feature sponsorship from various industries.  Sponsorship provides a plethora of benefits to sponsors. Sponsorship permits the IPS to continue to provide exceptional benefits to our members. If you are interested in becoming an IPS sponsor, please contact the section chair. 

Additional Program Information

Huneke Fellowship

The Huneke Fellowship is an annual program administered by the International Practice Section. The Fellowship is designed to provide real-world experience, networking opportunities, and modest financial assistance for a law student interested in the international practice of law. Each year-one Huneke Fellowship, which includes a $1,000 stipend, is awarded to a current 1L or 2L student. Any current 1L or 2L attending law school in the state of Washington (i.e., at the University of Washington, Seattle University, or Gonzaga University) is eligible for the Huneke Fellowship. 

More information

Past Huneke Fellows

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Executive Committee

Chair: Qingqing Miao (2024-2025) 

Chair-ElectDave Freeburg (2024-2025) 

Immediate Past ChairLarry Ward (2024-2025) 

Secretary/TreasurerMichael Harris (2024-2025) 

Communications ChairMargaret Moody (2024-2025)

Young Lawyer Liaison*Jerusha Jewel Dressel (2024-2026)

Board of Governors Liaison*: Kevin Fay (2024-2025)

At-Large Members:

Hansi Men (2022-2025)
Margaret Moody (2022-2025)
McKenzie Legg (2022-2025)
Dana Raigrodski (2023-2026)
Frederic Rocafort (2023-2026)
Joelle Hong (2023-2026)
Vacant (2024-2027)
Vacant (2024-2027)
Vacant (2024-2027)

Huneke Fellow*: Tsechu Dolma

*Nonvoting member

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The Executive Committee of the International Practice Section holds monthly meetings. Meetings are currently being held by video conference only. See event calendar for access information.

Please contact committee members for further details on their upcoming meeting dates and locations.

Join Our LinkedIn Group

Please join the WSBA International Practice Section LinkedIn group page and check our recent activities.

Join Our List Serve

To join the section list serve and for general section questions, please send your email address and Bar number to sections@wsba.org. For more information and to get involved with the section, please contact the section chair, Qingqing Miao.

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