Updated: Jan. 9, 2024

Looking to Improve Your Law Practice?

Managing a successful law firm requires business strategy and organization. Find resources and information on areas you can improve your practice.

Check out the resources below, or schedule a confidential consultation with us.

Not seeing what you're looking for? Contact us.

Be Proactive About Succession Planning

Life is unpredictable, so it’s important to have a succession plan in case unexpected events like disability or death prevent you from practicing law and managing the day-to-day operations of your law firm

While lawyers are not required to have a succession plan, they are strongly encouraged to do so. Planning ahead protects your clients and your family, and provides guidance to your staff in a time of uncertainty.

Designate an Assisting Attorney

Another lawyer should be designated to have the authority to review client files and make determinations as to which files need immediate attention.

Establish a Protocol for Notifying Clients

Determine who must notify the clients of your death or incapacitation. Reasonable efforts must be made to contact all clients and to request instructions.

Designate an Assisting Attorney for Trust Accounts

Allowing someone else access to the trust account is a serious matter. If the assisting person misappropriates funds, the lawyer or his/her estate may be held responsible.

Lending Library

Check out books on practice transitions for free.  Learn more.

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Perform a Self-Audit

When was the last time you evaluated your business practices?  Have you recently examined your confidentiality or security practices?  What about your client communication procedures?

Take the time to go through the self-audit checklist and identify areas where there is room for improvement.

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Law Firm Practice Guides and Forms

Hanging Your Own Shingle

Disaster Planning & Recovery


Document Retention

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Hire Staff

As your practice grows, you may find that you need to hire staff to help in day-to-day operations. But this is a major investment—you should aim to have gross receivables of at least $9,000 per month before you hire anyone.

You may also consider hiring a virtual reception service. For more, check out the Practice Management Discount Network.

More Information

American Bar Association | The Changing Role of Legal Support Staff
Law Practice Division | Law Practice Hiring Tips
Lawyerist | When to Hire Help

Lending Library

Check out books on staffing for free.  Learn more.

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Improve Your Cyber Security and Technology Practices

Members have a duty to maintain competent representation, which includes staying apprised of the benefits and risks associated with technology.

Email communication, electronic/cloud storage, and file sharing are useful tools, but with the increasing risk of ransomware and other malicious software, you need to make sure you are informed.


More Information

ABA Law Practice Division | A 'Reasonable' Cyber Security Program

Compari Tech | Cyber Security for Lawyers 

Federal Trade Commission | Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

Attorney General of Washington State | List of Community Shred Events

Lending Library

Check out titles on cybersecurity for free.  Learn more.

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Find New Products and Services

Check out the Practice Management Discount Network for discounts on products and services you can use in your law firm.

More Information

Law Practice Division | Transforming a Law Practice with Technology

Lending Library

Check out titles on technology for free. More here.

Acquiring a Practice

As your practice continues to grow, you may consider expanding your practice by acquiring an existing practice from another attorney and incorporating the book of business into your work.

When you are ready to get started, check out the WSBA Career Center for practices that are posted for sale.

You can also review ads in the latest issue of Bar News.

Receive Personalized Advice

Members of the WSBA are eligible for free, 30-minute confidential consultations. Schedule a phone or Teams consultation here.